Written by Molly Lancett

As exam period approaches, the scary and intimidating idea of failing, stress over preparing as well as finishing up those pesky last assignments beforehand is intense. It's a stressful time for students of all ages. I'm here to give a couple of tips and tricks on how to take care of yourself during this period.
Take some time for yourself:
I know it may be hard to do, but if you decide to take a day just to rest, eat some of your favourite chocolates and snuggle up to a movie. You'll find the next day you're refreshed and ready to start studying some more!
Remember, it is just an exam:
Exams. Are. Terrifying. But that's because we let them be. Just remember it is only an exam, and all you can do is your best.
Do not cram:
This is rich coming from me, but try study at least a week and a half in advance, this will give you more than enough time to at least pass (which is all we really want, I know).
Remember to ask for help:
Whether it be your friends, professors, tutors or even the internet, there are always resources and people willing to help you if you’re struggling. Universities don't expect us to be rocket scientists (even though it may feel like it sometimes).
Mental Health resources:
There are some great resources on the University of Newcastle's website about stress during exams and maintaining motivation, which is a struggle for everyone at one point or another. Please remember you are not alone, and although this is a scary time, there are ways to take care of yourself and to still succeed.
University of Newcastle after-hours support line - Call 1300 653 007, Text 0488 884 165 for SMS chat.
Lifeline - Call 13 11 14
Beyond Blue - Call 1300 22 4636
Mensline Australia - Call 1300 789 978
Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales - Call 02 9212 4777